All images are the property of Gillian Armitage © 2020


This portfolio personifies my artistic endeavors of forty plus years.  The common thread is autobiographical. Nearly all this work was precipitated by some circumstance or event in my life: A Bit of Skirt what it is to be woman; Yin Yang: A Japanese Experience from an invitation to speak in Japan; Rosa x Alba a battle with lymphoma; Self Portrait: Its all in the Genes (portrait) the untimely death of a parent; TWO LANDS: The Spinney & the Force (landscape) an immigrant’s dilemma of bearing allegiances to two countries and so on. 

My perceptions, the seeds for my work, are founded in reality but my aesthetic is intrinsically abstract. I want my work to resonate like a poem or piece of music. I strive to make each piece connect spiritually, soul to soul, and to function as a unit with a significance which is at once discernible.

N.B. Each page of the portfolio displays a sample of the work in the series.