Dismorphia Deion: the “help-meet”

beads, glitter, sequins on female mask

A BIT OF SKIRT celebrates womanhood and the challenges every female faces purely on the bases of gender

I have a large number of works planned for this body of work, below are a few completed or in progress to date.

Its Written all over her Face: “i slept, and dreamed that life was beauty,

I woke, and found that life was duty” Ellen Sturgis Hooper (work in progress - 7 pieces)

6th December 1989: a tragic event in Canada fed by misogyny

The Butterfly Masks: agism and woman as ornament:- trophy wife, cheerleader etc. “Men have 4 seasons, women have only Spring” Jane Fonda (in progress 10 pieces)

Ten Thousand Steps: is a testament to women’s labour; much of it unpaid (in progress)

Chai I don suffer Oh: contains 6,000+ acts of violence against women

Better than Horses: “The labor of women in the house, certainly enables men to produce more wealth than they otherwise could; and in this way women are economic factors in society. But so are horses:”

                                 Charlotte Perkins Gilman  Women and Economics 1898

(Women of note; some completed to date)

All images are the property of Gillian Armitage © 2020

a bit of skirt